My Simplified Course Book of Research Methodology and Introduction to Language 2 as well as My Handout of Reading 2

To visit my Simplified Course Book of Research Methodology 4th YE Students by Dr Shaghi 2017 2018, you can use the following link.

This Research Methodology, a Simplified Course-Book aims at developing the Yemeni students’ awareness of writing English Bachelor Educational Research Projects (EBERP) in connection with the English Language as a foreign language in Yemen (especially in Tihamah of

Yemen, Zabid city, Zabid College of Education, Hodeidah University).  The Yemeni students will study some important knowledge of research methodology for writing English bachelor research projects. It is for the 3rd Year English B.Ed. students. Dr. Abdullah M.M. Ali

Shaghi compiles it. He is an assistant professor of Linguistics, Ph.D. in Linguistics, from Aligarh Muslim University (A.M.U.), U.P., India, 2010.


To download it as a pdf file, you can use the following link.


To visit my Simplified Coursebook of Introduction to Language 2 By Dr Shaghi 2nd Semester 2017 2018, you can use the following link.


This Simplified Course-Book, Introduction to Language 2 (221ج /E221), focuses on teaching elementary concepts, terms and knowledge about the introduction to the scientific study of language, concentrating on elementary Morphology and Syntax. to the 2nd Year-English-B.Ed. students, of the year 2017-2018, 2nd semester 2017-2018, in the English  Department, Zabid-College of Education, Hodeidah University, Yemen.


To download it as a pdf file, you can use the following link.


To visit my Hand Out of Reading 2 2017 2018 by Dr Shaghi, you can use the following link.


This handout of Reading 2 is all from English for everyone: Reading Comprehension Students are asked to skim and scan the passages. The objectives of the Reading Comprehension Skills are to enable the students to read a passage:

 To identify main idea/topic sentences

 To find specific information quickly

 To distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information according to purpose for reading

 To identify the number of paragraphs and sentences in the passage

 To recognize and interpret the purpose of the passage

 To recognize and interpret the tone of the passage

 To distinguish between fact and opinion

The reading comprehension worksheets teach students to think critically, draw inferences, understand scope and global concepts, find or recall details, and infer the meaning of useful vocabulary words. It includes:

Technical Intermediate Reading Comprehension Worksheets_1-4

In these reading comprehension worksheets, students are asked questions about the meaning, significance, intention, structure, inference, and vocabulary used in each passage. Each passage reads like an encyclopedic or technical journal article. Answers for worksheets in this section can be found at the end of each individual worksheet.

Informational Passages Reading Comprehension Worksheets_1-25

In these reading comprehension worksheets, students are asked questions about information they have read about a specific topic. Each passage reads similar to a newspaper of journal article, and provides interesting information about some aspect of history, nature, mechanics, science, art, and more. Questions involve critical thinking with a focus on logic and inference.

Critical Thinking Reading Comprehension Worksheets (Level_10_passages_1-5)

In this series, readers are tested on their ability to perform interpretations, make deductions, and infer the meaning of vocabulary words based on an informational passage.

Practice general questions about each passage.

You have to read carefully the above passage by skimming and scanning and then answer all the general questions given below by writing complete and full answers in the space provided below each question

It is meant for 1st Year-English-B.Ed. Students, of the Year 2017-2018, 2nd Semester 2017-2018 (For Private Circulation Only) By Dr. Abdullah M. M. Ali Shaghi, Assistant Professor of Linguistics Department of English, Zabid-College of Education, Hodeidah University.


To download it as a pdf file, you can use the following link.


New words – 14 August 2017 — About Words – Cambridge Dictionaries Online blog

hack day noun [C] /ˈhæk.deɪ/ an event at which employees of a company meet to discuss problems or ideas Online property marketplace Hubble used an internal hack day as a team-building exercise and also to identify and fulfil new opportunities. With a hearty breakfast to get the creative juices flowing, and celebratory beer and pizzas […]

via New words – 14 August 2017 — About Words – Cambridge Dictionaries Online blog

نبذة مختصرة عن كتابي المنشور Blurb about my Published Book — abdullahshaghi2012

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم نبذة مختصرة عن كتابي المنشور Blurb about my Published Book “Nouns, Adjectives, and Their Agreement in Tihami Yemeni Arabic” (الأسماء والصفات وتوافقهما في العربيةِ اليمنيةِ التهاميةِ) Please, my friends, colleagues and acquaintances write positive reviews of my published book: “Nouns, Adjectives, and Their Agreement in Tihami Yemeni Arabic” من فضلكم أصدقائي […]

via نبذة مختصرة عن كتابي المنشور Blurb about my Published Book — abdullahshaghi2012

نبذة مختصرة عن كتابي المنشور Blurb about my Published Book

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نبذة مختصرة عن كتابي المنشور Blurb about my Published Book

“Nouns, Adjectives, and Their Agreement in Tihami Yemeni Arabic”

(الأسماء والصفات وتوافقهما في العربيةِ اليمنيةِ التهاميةِ)


Please, my friends, colleagues and acquaintances write positive reviews of my published book: “Nouns, Adjectives, and Their Agreement in Tihami Yemeni Arabic”

من فضلكم أصدقائي زملائي ومعارفي كتابة عرض إجابي عن كتابي المنشور (الأسماء والصفات وتوافقهما في العربية اليمنية التهامية)

Other sellers


This book is a synchronic descriptive account and analysis of the Tihami Yemeni Arabic (hereafter TYA) spoken in Zabid, an important city in Hodeidah province and Tihamah of Yemen. It is confined to provide a full, unified descriptive analysis of the (root-and-pattern) morphology of nouns and adjectives and the plural formation assigned to them using the two plural techniques so-called revowelling and affixation. It also provides morphosyntactic representations of gender-number agreement and definiteness agreement between nouns and attributive adjectives. It has 6 chapters: First: Introduction, Second: Structure of Nouns in TYA, Third: Structure of Adjectives in TYA, Fourth: Broken Plural vs. Sound Plural assignments in TYA: Revowelling vs. Affixation, Fifth: Agreement between nouns and attributive adjectives in TYA, and Sixth: Summary and Conclusion and Recommendations for Further Studies. By the deletion of TYA unique linguistic features represented in its pausal /u/ or over-generalized nominative case /u/, this book will have a global impact in case of the study of other modern Arabic dialects and contribute to the field of Semitic as well as Arabic Linguistics

هذا الكتاب وصفٌ وتحليلٌ متزامنٌ ووصفيٌ للهجةِ العربيةِ اليمنيةِ التهاميةِ المتكلم بها في زبيد، وهي مدينة مهمة في سهل تهامة اليمن. فالعمل يقتصر على تقديم وصف شامل وموحد وكامل للتحليل الوصفي (للجذر والميزان) الصرفي للأسماء والصفات، وتشكيل الجمع المخصصة لهم في اللهجةِ العربيةِ اليمنيةِ التهاميةِ باستخدام تقنيتي الجمع المسمى إعادة تشكيل الحركة واللاحقة، وتقديم التمثيلات النحو-صرفية لتوافق   الجنسين والعدد وتوافق التعريف بين الأسماء والصفات النعتية
. فهذا العمل ينقسم إلى ستة فصول:

الفصل 1 (مقدمة)

الفصل 2 (بنية الأسماء في اللهجة العربية اليمنية التهامية)

الفصل 3 (بنية الصفات في للهجة العربية اليمنية التهامية)

الفصل 4 (جمع التكسير مقابل جمع السالم (إعادة تشكيل الحركة مقابل اللاحقة) في اللهجةِ العربيةِ اليمنيةِ التهاميةِ)

الفصل 5 (اتفاق بين الأسماء والصفات في نعت للهجة العربية اليمنية التهامية)

الفصل 6 (خلاصة واستنتاجات)
بحذف الخصائص اللغوية الفريدة لهذه اللهجةِ العربيةِ اليمنيةِ التهاميةِ المتمثلة في حالة الرفع التعميمية أو حركة الضم الوقفي، فإن هذه العمل سيكون لها تأثير عالمي في حالة دراسة اللهجات العربية الأخرى الحديثة وسيسهم في مجال علم اللغة للغات السامية والعربية.

Builders of New Yemen بناة اليمن الجديد

 “Builders of New Yemen”

A Poem by Dr. Abdullah Shaghi

To the 21st English Batch


Today, the line of poetry has appeared in love,

 Today in itself, the graduation be in a mellow.

As long as, came to us from Zabid a Pleiad,

Participating the graduation in a creativity and melodies.

The poetry and the dews ask in wonderment,

Why did this entire crowd come cheerful?

We have come to hearts all of which are passion,

Embracing the glory with achievement and goodness.

From our wishes, we came to give away the congratulations,

For who are nominated “Builders of New Yemen” in an address.

Verily, the souls that have wonderment in their hearts,

Lend a white rose and a basil to the graduation.

Our stars, in the graduation sky, have raised,

For the intention, effort and loyalty in an address.

Truly, the beauty that dresses their intentions is,

The beauty that rejects us for the evil.

What concerns them, it concerns us in return,

 Yawns the hopelessness of it and the hope has come to us.

Not the hopelessness nor the fear is of their habit,

For our endeavors, as equestrians, they have come to us.

Surely, a whisper I read in their eyes,

Saying: “Come on! The seriousness is our endeavors.”

Not the hopelessness nor the fear is of your habit,

 So, build the “Arabia Felix”, the happy Yemen in a land then in a human.

O! Students, your dreams are in a love,

That, for the knowledge, seriousness, and qualification, has enriched us.

As long as in you there are men, you are their cares,

As well as in your bloods, the loyalty has never ever got down.

With the determination, ride the pathway of sciences to,

A wealth with which the glory congratulates you and us.

Verily, the success, which comes without laziness,

Dated in the glory-book, in an address it is.

“بناة اليمن الجديد”

 قصيدة بقلم: د. عبد الله شاغي

الى الدفعة الواحدة والعشرون الانجليزية


بيت القريض تبدى اليوم ولهانا*** فاليوم فيه يكون الحفل نشوانا

اذ جاءنا من زبيد الشعر كوكبة***تشارك الحفل إبداعا والحانا

فالشعر يسأل والانداء في عجب***لمن اتى كل هذا الحشد جذلانا

فقد اتينا قلوبا كلها وله***تعانق المجد إنجازا واحسانا

جئنا نزف التهاني من أمانينا***لمن تسمى “بناة اليمن الجديد” عنوانا

إن النفوس التي في قلبها وله***تضفي الى الحفل نسرينا وريحانا

فقد سمت في سماء الحفل انجمنا***للعزم والجهد والإخلاص عنوانا

ان الجمال الذي يكسو سريرتهم***هو الجمال الذي للشر يأبانا

ما همنا همهم في كل نائبة***تثائب اليأس عنها والامل جانا

لا الياس من طبعهم لا الخوف ديدنهم*** ففي مساعينا قد جاءونا فرسانا

إني لأقرأ همسا في عيونهم ***يقول هيا بنا فالجد مسعانا

لا الياس من طبعكم لا الخوف ديدنكم***فابنوا السعيدة ارضا ثم انسانا

احلامكم أيها الطلاب في شغف ***للعلم والجد والتأهيل أغنانا

مادام فيكم رجال همهم أنتم***وفي دماكم وفاء قط ما دانا

بالعزم فلتمططوا درب العلوم إلى***عز به المجد يهناكم ويهنانا

إن النجاح الذي يأتي بلا كسل***مؤرخ في سجل المجد عنوانا

Document Files of My Own Previous Exam Question-Papers of Introduction to Language 1

Given below are Document Files of My Own Previous Exam Question-Papers of Introduction to Language 1:

Intro to lang 1 final 1st sem exam Repeaters 2014-2015Introduction to lang 1 final 1st sem Exam Regulars2014-2015Introduction to language 1_final_1st_sem_Repeaters_Exam_2015-2016Introduction to language 1 final 1st sem Exam Regulars_2015-2016Introduction to lang 1 October Exam 2013-2014Introduction to lang 1 final 1st sem Exam Regulars 2013-2014Introduction to lang 1 final 1st sem Exam Repeaters 2013-2014